with Alexander Schauss |
Alex Schauss |
BANNED IN SEATTLE SCHOOLS (Sept. 3, 2004) “The This is bigger than you might
think: there are 100 schools in the Among those we can thank for this
initiative is Alexander Schauss. Alexander G. Schauss,
PhD. has held a number of academic appointments, and has been a member of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine Advisory
Council and the Developmental Planning Committee of the NIH Office of Dietary
Supplements. Dr. Schauss is a Fellow of the Schauss has appeared on television shows including Phil Donohue, Maury Povich, and Oprah Winfrey. I heard
Dr. Schauss speak at the Nutritional Medicine Today
conference in DOCTOR
YOURSELF NEWS: Dr. Schauss, how did all this good
nutrition news come about? DR.
SCHAUSS: The impetus for the effort in DY NEWS:
How bad were the foods in the NYC schools? SCHAUSS:
An article in the New York Times
described NYC public school's meals as some of the most tasteless and
unappealing in the country, combined with well below average national
academic standardized test scores; this despite some of the highest teacher
salaries in the country, numerous advanced degrees among its teaching staff,
and a teacher to student ratio of 1:17, in addition to students living in one
of the most culturally enriched environments in the world. DY NEWS:
What was the science behind the better-food, better-grades concept? SCHAUSS:
The effects of the dietary changes were evaluated by Even the
testing services began wondering how a school district of such heterogeneity
of students could in one year, for example, gain 8 percentage points, when
the expectancy was no larger than a gain of 2%. The results were published
the following year in the International
Journal of Biosocial and Medical Research. DY NEWS:
What was the response from government? SCHAUSS:
A hearing was held in the US Senate. Senator Jessie Helms, originally a
strong critic of NYC's efforts, ended the hearing commending the school system,
pointing out that the USDA administered school lunch program was originally
established by Congress after WW II to insure that children and adolescents
would not suffer the degree of malnutrition and its after effects experienced
in the 1930's during the depression resulting in the loss of millions of
potential soldiers for the war effort during WW II. Few people knew that the
school lunch program was started by the Defense Department, not the USDA. DY NEWS:
When did the public begin to hear of the NYC study? SCHAUSS:
In 1987, Barbara Friedlander and Arnold Meyer and I collaborated in writing a
book on the NYC study. Barbara was the Chief Nutritionist for the NYC public
school system, and DY NEWS:
Certainly you must have run into objections to such sweeping nutritional
change. From whom did your opposition come? SCHAUSS:
Many dieticians and school food service directors claimed that students were
already receiving a "balanced diet" and there was no need to reduce
sugar, sodas, etc. I even recall a professor of dietetics stating on
television that there was nothing wrong with a child eating a popular
breakfast cereal that was nearly 60% refined sugar. Seeing that both
academics, often with connections to the food industry, and dieticians in
particular, created road blocks to improving the diet, the effort was reorganized
by several parents into a determined grass roots movement. I should
also mention that other pioneers should be given credit for demonstrating the
benefits of a highly nutritious, nutrient dense school meal program. DY NEWS:
How does it feel to have backed the right horse, nutritionally speaking? SCHAUSS:
In just the first two days after the Seattle Schools' announcement, I have
had emails of congratulations from all over the world. It took years, but
note that not only has DY NEWS:
Some final thoughts? SCHAUSS:
In my opinion, given the rising rates of diabetes (Type II), heart disease,
obesity, etc., it is high time we begin early in assuring ourselves that our
children get the healthiest, not most profitable, foods. They are our future
and they deserve to have schools and parents committed to insuring that they
have a future as healthy adults. For further reading: Schauss, AG, Friedlander, B and Meyer, A. Eating For A's. Simon & Schuster, 1991. Republished as: Feed My Brain: Eating To Excel. 2004. ASIN:
B000UHO9D2 Schauss, A.G. Recommended
Optimum Nutrient Intakes (RONIs). In: Textbook of
Natural Medicine. Second Edition. Pizzorno, J.E. and Schauss, A.G. Minerals, Trace Elements and Human Health. Life
Sciences Press, Schauss, A.G. The myth of learning disabilities and juvenile
delinquency. [Letter] Correctional Psychologist, 1991; 23(3). Schauss, A.G., Meyer, B. F. and Meyer, A. Eating for A's. Pocket
Books/Simon & Schuster: Schauss, A.G. The effects of nutrition on brain function, behavior,
and learning: Directions for integrative research. International Journal of Neurology,
1989; 23: 111-115. Schauss, A.G., Nutrition, academic achievement and behaviour disorders: Applying the research to schools.
Health in Schools, 1988; 3(6): 182-186. Schauss, A.G. Schauss, A.G. Nutrition and Behavior. Keats Publishing: Schauss, A.G. Nutrition and
social behavior. In: 1984 Yearbook of Nutritional Medicine, Bland, J. (ed.) Keats Publishing: Schauss, A.G., Sommars, E., Gilles,
B.L. and Husmann, R.L. Nutrition in the schools: A
survey of North American schools. International Journal of Biosocial Research,
1984; 6(1): 78-88. Schauss, A.G. Nutrition and behavior. Journal of Applied
Nutrition, 1983; 35(1):30-43. PRISONS,
personally taught inside two NY State prisons (one medium, one max), I offer
some of my own thoughts on improving inmate nutrition at http://www.doctoryourself.com/prison.html
Dr. Schauss has considerable experience on this subject: Schauss, A.G. Nutrition and antisocial behavior: current research
and review. International Clinical Nutrition Reviews, 1984; 4(4): 172-179. Schauss, A.G. Nutrition and behavior: Limitations and implications
for criminology. Proc. 112th Congress of the American Correctional
Association, Schauss, A.G. Effects of environmental and nutritional factors on
potential and actual batterers. In: Schauss, A.G. Nutrition and violence. Proceedings of the 5th
National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. HEW ( Andrew Saul is the author of the
books FIRE YOUR DOCTOR! How to be
Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) For ordering information, Click Here . Interview and comments copyright
2004 by Andrew W. Saul. |
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