Hints for Health Practitioners |
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example the best way to teach, it is the only way." There are
two kinds of patients. Those who will listen politely, nod their head,
write down what you say... and not do it. The others will be
discouraged, skeptical, and a just a little bit desperate. Those people
are actually more likely to do what you say, and get better. Quoting
Michael Ash, M.D. of Here is
an assortment of suggestions I would like to submit to all experienced or
up-and-coming doctors. Motivation and Communication Richard
Simmons' most profound moment is when he asked himself, and others: "Y R
U FAT?" It made a good license plate, too. So do not hesitate
to come right out and ask, "Why are you sick? What are you
willing to do to get well?" Most of
those who want to, can and will, improve their health GIVEN THE KNOWLEDGE to
do so. Those who don't want to, won't. That's about it... unless
you can help them want to! THAT is indeed the art of healing. At least a
third of my work as a consultant is motivation. I think
counseling skills greatly help the practitioner. NLP (Neurolinguistic
Programming) is a good example of a helpful communications tool. From
the limited amount of knowledge I have of NLP, I can confirm that people can
best be communicated with by way of their natural preferred route or
access. When you
have a conversation with a visual
individual, they tend to look up and away. To access a visual
person, use visual words. Phrases like LOOKS GOOD, WATCH THIS, GET THE
PICTURE, or SEE WHAT I'M SAYING can help. An auditory person tends to look
straight at you or perhaps to the side and needs you to use auditory
entire US Navy is obviously audio: "NOW HEAR THIS; NOW HEAR THIS...")
A kinesthetic individual tends to look
down and away. To be reached, they will need expressions such as FEELS
people may be the arm-touchers-while they-talk-to-you people. So pat
their shoulder or shake their hand. If this feels awkward to you, remember
that you are doing it for the patient's comfort, not yours. So at its
simplest, successful communication involves using the form(s) of access most
suited to whom you are communicating with. This is far from
superfluous. After all, if you know something, there is no point in
failing to get it across. Other
resources include Dale Carnegie's too-frequently passed over masterpiece How
To Win Friends and Influence People. This is a very practical,
compassionate, and inexpensive book. I recommend reading an older
edition from a library's used-book shop. It is closer to Mr. Carnegie's
original writing and is better off for lack of revision or
"modernization." Between Parent and Child (H. Ginnott) is very good for
helping you communicate with kids. Of course there is the necessary
sequel, Between Parent and Teenager.
I recommend both without reservation. You do
not need to be an ex-Hippie to genuinely benefit from the books or tapes by
Ram Dass (Richard Alpert, Ph.D). Grist
For The Mill and Be Here Now
are especially good. Most
everybody has forgotten Elmer Wheeler, the author of How I Mastered My Fear of Public Speaking. This long out of
print little volume is one of the great books on communication. Try your
luck at the library. Stress and Consciousness Organized
forms of deep rest, such as Transcendental Meditation, seem to have a very
positive effect on self-image and health improvement. Literally hundreds
of supporting references are provided in Research on Transcendental
Meditation: Collected Papers, vol 1-5, and in Perfect Health, by Deepak
Chopra, M.D. Comparative studies at Harvard have shown that TM is the
most effective of all stress-reduction techniques available. The best
technique is, of course, the one that your patient will be most comfortable
with and actually DO! Diet and Nutrition All
health care providers should check what their patients are eating
presently. This goes for optometrists, neurosurgeons, dentists,
psychologists, nurses and chiropractors, as well as medical doctors. Are
your patients eating a really off-the-wall diet? If so, you may have a
"junk food junkie," or even a "pudding vegetarian" on
your hands (A pudding vegetarian, by the way, is someone who doesn't eat
meat... but doesn't eat much else, either.) Do not hesitate to urge
common sense eating even if it means reminding them of the "four (now
five) food groups." I am not knocking vegetarianism, for I strongly
support it. My concern is that you watch for vegetarian failures: the
ones most likely to be seeking medical attention. Successful
vegetarians, and there are at least 12 million of them in
America, generally use the medical system far less than most people
do. When you
see a sick person in your office, check their food PHILOSOPHY. For
example, a strict vegetarian (vegan) may need B-12 and perhaps more protein
or calcium. This is especially likely with the children of vegan
parents. Recommending seafood, dairy products, or ox bile to these folks
is inappropriate and is also unnecessary. Of course you can be a healthy
vegan! For animal-free complete nutrition, remember the simple
rules: 1.
Legumes (peas, beans and lentils) should be eaten frequently. With grains,
and preferably squash, they form complete meatless protein. 2. In
addition to all dairy products, vitamin B-12 may be obtained from nutritional
yeast, tempeh, tofu, miso, spirulina, bee pollen, and probably
intestinal synthesis in a healthy vegetarian's bowel. (After all, that's
how cattle get their B-12.) 3. In my
opinion, if a vegan doesn't follow rules 1 and 2, s/he is in real trouble,
philosophy notwithstanding. I care very little about philosophy; I'm
interested only in results. If you are going to eat a meatless diet,
then you have to do it right. I know: my kids were raised as
vegetarians. Had they NOT been healthy, the state and the school board
would have been on our backs instantly. Even
Mahatma Ghandi ate dairy products, and Jesus ate fish. Your patients can
therefore relax a bit if you recommend these foods, or perhaps yogurt to
their kids for extra calcium, protein, and B-12. There is no need to
make an issue out of it. Patient Words to Help Make
Patients More Patient *
Daily health progress may fluctuate or plateau; relax and stay with it.
Sometimes it is useful to be reminded that "We are not in a
hurry. After all, how long did it take to GET in this condition in the
first place?" * People
may lose confidence in their ability to break a habit or lose confidence in
getting better. They may quit and not return. * You
might wish to tell patients: "I'd rather you do most of what I suggest
for a year than do all of what I suggest for a week." * Each
patient needs to learn NOT to be a patient, but rather, to be their own
doctor. On the road to self-reliance, family support sure is nice to have,
but neither require it nor count on it. * People
often need to cry: tell patients if you see their pain... and have
Kleenex handy. Do not be afraid of their silence, frustration, anger, or
tears. Let it be released; then you can go on. * If your
patient is a minor, treat her/him like a major. I will never forget the
YMCA director that let me, the ten-year-old Houdini, "levitate" him
in my magic act on parents' night. He treated me like an
equal. Kids love dignity. * For
that matter, who doesn't? All professional healing relationships need an
adult-to-adult basis. This is no secret, but it is often ignored as if
it were. Copyright C
1999 and prior years Andrew W. Saul. Andrew Saul is the author of the books FIRE YOUR
DOCTOR! How to be Independently Healthy (reader reviews at http://www.doctoryourself.com/review.html
) and DOCTOR YOURSELF: Natural Healing that Works. (reviewed at http://www.doctoryourself.com/saulbooks.html
) For ordering information, Click Here .
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This page is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Neither the author nor the webmaster has authorized the use of their names or the use of any material contained within in connection with the sale, promotion or advertising of any product or apparatus. Single-copy reproduction for individual, non-commercial use is permitted providing no alterations of content are made, and credit is given. |
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