Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Fiber Bibliography of James W. Anderson, M.D. |
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Endocrinologist and Professor of Medicine (University of Kentucky) J. W. Anderson is perhaps the world's leading researcher on fiber and health. This is his complete bibliography; scroll down to the books and popular articles listing mid page. This bibliography was created with the editorial assistance of Val Leslie. PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Anderson JW, Kilbourn KG, Robinson J, and Wright PH. Diabetic acidosis in rats treated with anti-insulin serum. Clin Sci 24:417-430, 1963. (No known electronic link) 2. Anderson JW, Sawyer KC Jr, Sheridan DP. Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas with diabetes mellitus. Rocky Mountain Med J 60:32-35, 1963. (No known electronic link) 3. Anderson JW, McConahey WM, Alarcon-Segovia D, Emslander RF, Wakim KG. Diagnostic value of thyroid antibodies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 27:937-944, 1967. (No known electronic link) 4. Anderson JW. Hyperglycemic diabetic stupor: A spectrum of disorders. Mil Med 133:538-542, 1968. (No known electronic link) 5. Anderson JW, Herman RH. Classification of reactive hypoglycemia. Am J Clin Nutr 22:646-650, 1969. (No known electronic link) 6. Gorman CA, Anderson JW, Flock EV, Owen CA Jr, Wakim KG. Effect of experimentally induced thyroiditis on biosynthesis of thyroxine in rats. Acta Endocrinol 62:11-20, 1969. (No known electronic link) 7. Pastore RA, Anderson JW, Herman RH. Anterior and posterior hypopituitarism associated with sickle cell trait. Ann Intern Med 71:593-598, 1969. (No known electronic link)8. Anderson JW, Wakim KG, McConahey WM. The influence of experimental thyroiditis on thyroid function. Mayo Clinic Proc 44:711-724, 1969. (No known electronic link)9. Anderson JW, Herman RH, Newcomer KL. Improvement of glucose tolerance of fasting obese patients given oral potassium. Am J Clin Nutr 22:1589:1596, 1969. (No known electronic link) 10. Anderson JW, Zakim D. The influence of alloxan-diabetes and fasting on glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme activities of rat intestinal mucosa and liver. Biochem Biophys Acta 201:236-241, 1970. (No known electronic link)11. Anderson JW. Pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in rat intestinal mucosa. Biochem Biophys Acta 208:165-167, 1970. (No known electronic link)12. Everett ED, Newcomer KL, Anderson JW, Bergin J, Overholdt EL. Goodpasture's syndrome. Response to mercaptopurine and prednisone. JAMA 213:1849-1852, 1970. (No known electronic link)13. Anderson JW, Herman RH. Treatment of reactive hypoglycemia and sulfonylureas. Am J Med Sci 261:16-23, 1971. (No known electronic link)14. Ho W, Anderson JW. Phosphofructokinase in rat jejunal mucosa: Subcellular distribution, isolation, and characterization. Biochem Biophys Acta 227:354-363, 1971. (No known electronic link) 15. Anderson JW, Herman RH, Tyrrell JB, Cohen RB. Hexokinase: A compartmented enzyme. Am J Clin Nutr 24:642-650, 1971. (No known electronic link)16. Tyrrell JB, Anderson JW. Glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathway enzymes in jejunal mucosa, adaptive responses to alloxan diabetes and fasting in the rat. Endocrinology 89:1178-1185, 1971. (No known electronic link) 17. Anderson JW, Herman RH. Effect of fasting, caloric restriction and refeeding on glucose tolerance of normal men. Am J Clin Nutr 25:41-52, 1972. (No known electronic link) 18. Anderson JW, Stowring L. Glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme activities in renal cortex of diabetic rats. Am J Physiol 224:930-936, 1973. Available at AJP Legacy19. Anderson JW, Rosendall AF. Gluconeogenesis in jejunal mucosa of guinea pig. Biochem Biophys Acta 304:384-388, 1973. (No known electronic link) 20. Anderson JW, Herman RH, Zakim D. Effect of high glucose and high sucrose diets on glucose tolerance of normal men. Am J Clin Nutr 26:600- 607, 1973. (No known electronic link) 21. Anderson JW, Tyrrell JB. Hexokinase activity of rat intestinal mucosa: Demonstration of four isozymes and changes in subcellular distribution with fasting and refeeding. Gastroenterology 65:69-76, 1973. (No known electronic link) 22. Murphy ED, Anderson JW. Tissue glycolytic and glucoenogenic enzyme activities in mildly and moderately diabetic rats, influence of tolbutamide administration. Endocrinology 94:27-34, 1974. (No known electronic link) 23. Anderson JW. Glucose metabolism in jejunal mucosa of fed, fasted, and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Am J Physiol 226-229, 1974. Available at AJP Legacy24. Anderson JW, Jones AL. Biochemical and ultrastructural study of glycogen in jejunal mucosa of diabetic rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 145:268-272, 1974. (No known electronic link)25. Anderson JW. Endocrine manifestations of lung tumors. J Ky Med Assoc 72:208-211, 1974. (No known electronic link)26. Anderson JW. Alterations in metabolic fate of glucose in the liver of diabetic animals. Am J Clin Nutr 27:746-755, 1974. (No known electronic link) 27. Anderson JW. Metabolic abnormalities contributing to diabetic complications. I. Glucose metabolism in insulin-insensitive pathways. Am J Clin Nutr 28:273-280, 1975. (No known electronic link) 28. Anderson JW, King P. Subcellular distribution of hexokinase activity in rat jejunal mucosa: Response to diabetes and dietary changes. Biochem Med 12:1-11, 1975. Available at ScienceDirect29. Anderson JW, Herman RH. Effects of carbohydrate restriction on glucose tolerance of normal men and reactive hypoglycemic patients. Am J Clin Nutr 28:748-755, 1975. Abstract available at AJCN30. Anderson JW. Hyperglycemic nonketotic coma. J Ky Med Assoc 73:211-213, 1975. (No known electronic link) (No known electronic link)31. Anderson JW, Karounos D, Yoneyama T. Dichloracetate-induced changes in liver of normal and diabetic rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 149:814-821, 1975. (No known electronic link) 32. Anderson JW. Metabolic abnormalities contributing to diabetic complications. II. Peripheral Nerves. Am J Clin Nutr 29:402-408, 1976. (No known electronic link) 33. Kiehm TG, Anderson JW, Ward K. Beneficial effects of a high-carbohydrate high-fiber diet on hyperglycemic diabetic men. Am J Clin Nutr 29:895-899, 1976. Available at AJCN34. Anderson JW. High polysaccharide diet studies in patients with diabetes and vascular disease. Cereal Foods World 22:12-15, 1977. (No known electronic link)35. Anderson JW. Effect of carbohydrate restriction and high-carbohydrate diets on men with chemical diabetes. Am J Clin Nutr 30:402-408, 1977. Available at AJCN36. Lin WJ, Anderson JW. Effects of high sucrose or starch-bran diets on glucose and lipid metabolism of normal and diabetic rats. J Nutr 107:584-595, 1977. Abstract available at PubMed37. Anderson JW, Ward K. Long-term effects of high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets on glucose and lipid metabolism: a preliminary report on patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 1:77-82, 1978. Available at DC38. Anderson JW, Lin WJ, Ward K. Composition of foods commonly used in diets for persons with diabetes. Diabetes Care 1:293-302, 1978. Abstract at DC39. Anderson JW, Chen WJ. Plant fiber: Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr 32:346-363, 1979. Available at AJCN40. Chen WJ, Anderson JW. Effects of guar gum and wheat bran on lipid metabolism of rats. J Nutr 109:1028-1034, 1979. Abstract available at PubMed41. Anderson JW, Midgley WR, Wedman B. Fiber and diabetes. Diabetes Care 2:369-379, 1979. Abstract available at DC42. Chen WJ, Anderson JW. Effects of plant fiber in decreasing plasma total cholesterol and increasing high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 162:310-313, 1979. (No known electronic link) 43. Anderson JW, Ward K. High-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets for insulin-treated men with diabetes mellitus. Am J Clin Nutr 32:2312-2321, 1979. Available at AJCN44. Anderson JW, Ferguson SK, Karounos D, O'Malley L, Sieling B, Chen WJ. Mineral and vitamin status on high-fiber diets: Long-term studies of diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 3:38-40, 1980. Abstract at DC45. Dominic JA, Miller RE, Anderson JW, McAllister R. Pharmacology of verapamil. II. Impairment of glucose tolerance by verapamil in the conscious dog. Pharmacology 20:196-202, 1980. Abstract available at PubMed46. Anderson JW, Chen WJ, Sieling B. Hypolipidemic effects of high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets. Metabolism 29:551-558, 1980. (No known electronic link) 47. Anderson JW, Sieling B. High fiber diets for obese diabetic patients. Obesity/Bariatric Med 9:109-113, 1980. (No known electronic link) 48. Anderson JW. High-fiber diets for diabetic and hypertriglyceridemic patients. Can Med Assoc J 123:975-979, 1980. Summary available at CMAJ49. Anderson JW, Sieling B. High-fiber diets for diabetics: Unconventional but effective. Geriatrics 36:64-72, 1981. (No known electronic link) 50. Kirby RW, Anderson JW, Sieling B, Rees ED, Chen WL, Miller RE, Kay RM. Oat-bran intake selectively lowers serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations of hypercholesterolemic men. Am J Clin Nutr 34:824-829, 1981. Available at AJCN51. Chen WL, Anderson JW. Soluble and insoluble plant fiber in selected cereals and vegetables. Am J Clin Nutr 34:1077-1082, 1981. Available at AJCN52. Leichter SB, Anderson JW. Exogenous but not endogenous cyclic GMP inhibits hepatic pyruvate kinase activity. Biochem Biophys Acta 659:199-203, 1981. (No known electronic link)53. Chen WL, Anderson JW, Gould MR. Effects of oat bran, oat-gum, and pectin on lipid metabolism of cholesterol-fed rats. Nutr Reports Internatl 24:1093-1098, 1981. (No known electronic link)54. Anderson JW, Story L, Sieling B, Chen WJ. Plant fiber content of selected breakfast cereals. Diabetes Care 4:490-492, 1981. (No known electronic link)55. Anderson JW. Plant fiber and blood pressure. Ann Intern Med 98:842-846, 1983. Abstract available at PubMed56. Wrobel SB, Griffen WO, Anderson JW, Whitaker EB, Wiegert HT, Searle M. Surgical treatment of morbid obesity: Economic, psychological, ethical, preventive, medical aspects of health care. Yale J Biol Med 56:231-241, 1983. (No known electronic link) 57. Anderson JW. Nutrition choices for diabetic patients. J Am Coll Nutr 2:307-308, 1983. (No known electronic link) 58. Anderson JW, Story L, Sieling B, Chen WJ. Hypocholesterolemic effects of high-fiber diets rich in water-soluble plant fibers: Long-term studies with oat-bran and bean-supplemented diets for hypercholesterolemic men. J Can Diet Assoc 45:140-149, 1984. (No known electronic link) 59. Chen WJ, Anderson JW, Jennings D. Propionate may mediate the hypocholesterolemic effects of certain soluble plant fiber in cholesterol-fed rats. Proc Soc Exper Biol Med 175:215-218, 1984. Abstract available at PubMed60. Anderson JW, Bridges SR. Short-chain fatty acid fermentation products of plant fiber affect glucose metabolism of isolated rat hepatocytes. Proc Soc Exper Biol Med 177:372-376, 1984. Abstract available at PubMed61. Anderson JW, Story L, Sieling B, Chen WJ, Petro MS, Story J. Hypocholesterolemic effects of oat-bran or bean intake for hypercholesterolemic men. Am J Clin Nutr 40:1146-1155, 1984. Available at AJCN62. Colwell JA, Bingham SF, Abraira C, Anderson JW, Kwaan HC. VA Cooperative study on antiplatelet agents in diabetic patients after amputation for gangrene: I. Design, methods and baseline characteristics. Controlled Clin Trials 5:165-183, 1984. Abstract available at PubMed63. Story L, Anderson JW, Chen WJ, Karounos D, Sieling B. Adherence to high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets: Long-term studies of non-obese diabetic men. J Am Diet Assoc 85:1105-1110, 1985. Abstract available at PubMed64. Anderson JW. Health implications of wheat fiber. Am J Clin Nutr 41:1103-1112, 1985. (No known electronic link) 65. Anderson JW. Physiologic and metabolic effects of dietary fiber. Fed Proc 44:2902-2906, 1985. (No known electronic link) 66. Colwell JA, Bingham SF, Abraira C, Anderson JW, Comstock JP, Kwaan HC, Nutall F. VA Cooperative study on antiplatelet agents in diabetic patients after amputation for gangrene: II. Effects of aspirin and dipyridamole on atherosclerotic vascular disease rates. Diabetes Care 9:140-148, 1986. Abstract available at DC67. Anderson JW. Fiber and health: an overview. Am J Gastroenterol 81:892-897, 1986. (No known electronic link) 68. Anderson JW. Fiber and health: an overview. Nutrition Today Nov/Dec:22-26, 1986. (No known electronic link) 69. Anderson JW, Bryant CA. Dietary fiber: diabetes and obesity. Am J Gastroenterol 81:898-906, 1986. (No known electronic link) 70. Anderson JW, Tietyen-Clark J. Dietary fiber: Hyperlipidemia, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Am J Gastroenterol 81:907-919, 1986. (No known electronic link) 71. Anderson JW, Gustafson N, Bryant CA, Tietyen-Clark J. Dietary fiber and diabetes: A comprehensive review and practical application. J Am Diet Assoc 87:1189-1197, 1987. Abstract available at PubMed72. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber, lipids, and atherosclerosis. Am J Cardiol 60:17G-22G, 1987. Abstract available at PubMed73. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. High-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet. Is it practical and effective in treating hyperlipidemia? Post-grad Med 82:40-55, 1987. Abstract available at PubMed74. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Hypocholesterolemic effects of oat and bean products. Am J Clin Nutr 48:749-753, 1988. Available at AJCN75. Anderson JW, Bridges SR. Dietary fiber content of selected foods. Am J Clin Nutr 47:440-447, 1988. Available at AJCN76. Anderson JW, Zettwoch N, Feldman T, Tietyen-Clark J, Oeltgen P, Bishop CW. Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid for hypercholesterolemic men. Arch Intern Med 148:292-296, 1988. Abstract available at AIM77. Jennings CD, Boleyn K, Bridges SR, Wood PJ, Anderson JW. A comparison of the lipid-lowering and the intestinal morphologic effects of cholestyramine, chitosan and oat gum in rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. Arch Intern Med 189:13-20, 1988. Abstract available at EBM78. Anderson JW, Geil PB. New perspectives in nutrition management of diabetes mellitus. Am J Med 85:159-165, 1988. Abstract available at PubMed79. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Hypocholesterolemic effects of oat and bean products. Michigan Dry Bean Digest 13:2-5, 1989. 80. Anderson JW, Bridges SR, Tietyen J, Gustafson NJ. Dietary fiber content of a simulated American diet and selected research diets. Am J Clin Nutr 49:352-357, 1989. Available at AJCN81. Anderson JW, Story L, Zettwoch N, Gustafson NJ, Jefferson BS. Metabolic effects of fructose supplementation in diabetic individuals. Diabetes Care 12:337-344, 1989. Abstract available at DC82. Anderson JW. Recent advances in carbohydrate nutrition and metabolism in diabetes mellitus. J Am Coll Nutr 8(Suppl):61-67, 1989. Abstract available at PubMed83. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Adherence to high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets. Diabetes Educ 15:429-434, 1989. Abstract available at PubMed84. Colwell JA, Bingham SF, Abraira C, Anderson JW, Comstock JP, Kwaan HD, Nuttall FV. VA Cooperative study on antiplatelet agents in diabetic patients after amputation for gangrene: V. unobserved, sudden, and unexpected deaths. J Diabet Complications 3:191-197, 1989. Abstract at DC85. Wood PJ, Anderson JW, Braaten JT, Cave NA, Scott FW, Vachon C. Physiological effects of ?-D-glucan rich fractions from oats. Cereal Foods World 34:878-882, 1989. (No known electronic link) 86. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ, Spencer DB, Tietyen J. Serum lipid response of hypercholesterolemic men to single and divided doses of canned beans. Am J Clin Nutr 51:1013-1019, 1990. Available at AJCN87. Anderson JW, Wood CL. Oat bran and serum cholesterol. (Letter). N Eng J Med 322:1747-1748, 1990. (No known electronic link) 88. Anderson JW, Smith BM, Geil PB. High-fiber diets for diabetes. Safe and effective treatment. Post-grad Med 88:157-168, 1990. (No known electronic link) 89. Fukagawa NK, Anderson JW, Hagemen G, Young VR, Minaker KL. High-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets increase peripheral insulin sensitivity in healthy young and old adults. Am J Clin Nutr 52:524, 528, 1990. Available at AJCN90. Anderson JW, Spencer DB, Hamilton CC, Smith SF, Tietyen J, Bryant CA, Oeltgen P. Oat-bran cereal lowers serum total and LDL cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic men. Am J Clin Nutr 52:495-499, 1990. Available at AJCN91. Wright RS, Anderson JW, Bridges SR. Propionate inhibits hepatic lipid synthesis. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 195:26-29, 1990. Abstract available at EBM92. Anderson JW, Hamilton CC, Horn JL, Spencer DB, Dillon DW, Zeigler JA. Metabolic effects of insoluble oat fiber on lean men with Type II diabetes. Cereal Chemistry 68:291-294, 1991. Abstract available at GAR93. Anderson JW, Floore TL, Geil PB, O'Neal DS, Balm TK. Hypercholesterolemic effects of different bulk-forming hydrophilic fibers as adjuncts to dietary therapy in mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia. Arch Intern Med 151:1597-1602, 1991. Abstract available at AIM94. Anderson JW, Gilinsky NH, Deakins DA, Smith SF, O'Neal DS, Dillon DW, Oeltgen PR. Lipid responses of hypercholesterolemic men to oat bran and wheat bran intake. Am J Clin Nutr 54:936-943, 1991. Available at AJCN95. Anderson JW, Zeigler JA, Deakins DA, Floore TL, Dillon DW, Wood CL, Oeltgen PR, Whitley RJ. Metabolic effects of high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets for insulin-dependent diabetic individuals. Am J Clin Nutr 54:936-943, 1991. Available at AJCN96. Anderson JW, Riddell-Lawrence S, Floore TL, Dillon DW, Oeltgen PR. Bakery products lower serum cholesterol concentration in hypercholesterolemic men. Am J Clin Nutr 54:836-840, 1991. Available at AJCN97. Anderson JW, Hamilton CC, Crown-Weber E, Riddlemoser M, Gustafson NJ. Safety and effectiveness of a multidisciplinary very-low-calorie diet program for selected obese individuals. J Am Diet Assoc 91:1582-1584, 1991. (No known electronic link) 98. Anderson JW, Hamilton CC, Brinkman-Kaplan V. Benefits and risks of an intensive very-low-calorie diet program for severe obesity. Am J Gastroenterol 87:6-15, 1992. Abstract available at PubMed99. Anderson JW, Brinkman VL, Hamilton CC. Weight loss and 2-y follow-up for 80 morbidly obese patients treated with intensive very-low-calorie diet and an education program. Am J Clin Nutr 56:1S-3S, 1992. Available at AJCN100. Anderson JW, Riddell-Mason S, Gustafson NJ, Smith SF. Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium-enriched cereal as an adjunct to a prudent diet in the treatment of mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia. Am J Clin Nutr 56:93-98, 1992. Available at AJCN101. Bridges SR, Anderson JW, Deakins DA, Wood CL. Oat bran increases serum acetate of hypercholesterolemic men. Am J Clin Nutr 56:455-459, 1992. Available at AJCN102. Hamilton CC, Geil PB, Anderson JW. Management of obesity in diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Educ 18:407-410, 1992. Abstract available at PubMed103. Geil PB, Anderson JW. Health benefits of dietary fiber. Med Exer Nutr Health 1:257-271, 1992. Abstract available at AO104. Anderson JW, Garriety TF, Wood CL, Whitis SE, Smith BM, Oeltgen PR. Prospective, randomized, controlled comparison of the effects of low-fat and low-fat plus high-fiber diets on serum lipid levels. Am J Clin Nutr 56:887-894, 1992. Available at AJCN105. Anderson JW. Diet, lipids and cardiovascular disease in women. J Am Coll Nutr 12:433-437, 1993. Abstract at JACM106. Anderson JW, Jones AE, Riddell-Mason S. Ten different fibers have significantly different effects on serum and liver lipids in cholesterol-fed rats. J Nutr 124:78-83, 1994. (No known electronic link) 107. Anderson JW, Brinkman-Kaplan VL, Lee H, Wood CL. Food-containing hypocaloric diets are as effective as liquid-supplement diets for obese individuals with NIDDM. Diabetes Care 17:602-604, 1994. Available at DC108. Anderson JW, Brinkman-Kaplan VL, Lee H, Wood CL. Relationship of weight loss to cardiovascular risk factors in morbidly obese individuals. J Am Coll Nutr 14:256-261, 1994. Abstract available at JACM109. Geil PB, Anderson JW. Nutrition and health implications of dry beans: A review. J Am Coll Nutr 14:549-558, 1994. Abstract available at JACM110. Anderson JW, Smith BM, Gustafson NJ. Health benefits and practical aspects of high-fiber diets. Am J Clin Nutr 59(Suppl):1242S-1247S, 1994. Available at AJCN111. Geil PB, Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Women and men with hypercholesterolemia respond similarly to an AHA step I diet. J Am Diet Assoc 95:436-441, 1995. Abstract available at PubMed112. Anderson JW, O'Neal DS, Riddell-Mason S, Floore TL, Dillon DW, Oeltgen PR. Postprandial serum glucose, insulin and lipoprotein responses to high- and low-fiber diets. Metabolism 44:848-854, 1995. Abstract available at PubMed113. Rubins HB, Robins SJ, Collins D, Wittes J, Iranmanesh A, Wilt TJ, Mann D, Mayo-Smith M, Faas FH, Elam MB, Rutan GH, Anderson JW, Kashyap MI, Schectman G. Distribution of lipids in 8,500 men with coronary heart disease: Implications for treatment. Am J Cardiol 75:1196-1201, 1995. (No known electronic link) 114. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM, Cook-Newell ME. Meta-analysis of the effects of soy protein intake on serum lipids. N Eng J Med 333:276-282, 1995. Article available at NEJM115. Collins RW, Anderson JW. Medication cost savings associated with weight loss for obese non-insulin-dependent diabetic men and women. Prev Med 24:369-374, 1995. Abstract available at PubMed116. Bridges RB, Anderson JW, Saxe SR, Gregory K, Bridges SR. Periodontal status of diabetic and non-diabetic men: Effects of smoking, glycemic control and socioeconomic factors. J Peridontol 67:1185-1192, 1996. Abstract available at PubMed117. Saudek CD, Duckworth WC, Giobbie-Hurder AG, Henderson WG, Henry RR, Kelley DE, Edelman SV, Zieve FJ, Adler RA, Anderson JW, Anderson RJ, Hamilton BP, Donner TW, Kirkman MS, Morgan NA. Implantable insulin pump vs multiple-dose insulin for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: a randomized clinical trial. Department of Veterans Affairs Implantable Insulin Pump Study Group. JAMA 276:1322-1327, 1996. Abstract available at JAMA118. Wilt TJ, Riley WA, Rubins HB, Robins SJ, Collins D, Elam M, Rutan G, Anderson JW. Carotid atherosclerosis in men with low levels of HDL cholesterol. Stroke 28:1919-1925, 1997. Article available at AHA119. Olson BR, Anderson SM, Becker MP, Anderson JW, Hunninghake DB, Jenkins DJA, LaRosa JC, Rippe JM, Roberts DCK, Stoy DB, Summerbell CD, Truswell AS, Wolever TMS, Morris DH, Fulgoni III VL. Psyllium-enriched cereals lower total blood cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, but not HDL-cholesterol, in hypercholesterolemic adults: Result of a meta-analysis. J Nutr 127:1973-1980, 1997. Article available at NUTR120. Bagdade JD, Kelley DE, Henry RR, Eckel RH, Ritter MC. Effects of multiple daily insulin injections and intraperitoneal insulin therapy on cholesteryl ester transfer and lipoprotein lipase activities in NIDDM. Diabetes 46:414-420, 1997. Abstract available at PubMed121. Anderson JW, Emmett J, Turner J, Smith BM. Soy protein effects on renal function and proteinuria for individuals with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Am J Clin Nutr 68:1347S-1353S, 1998. Available at AJCN122. Anderson JW, Pi-Sunyer FX, Danforth E, Dujovne CA, Greenway F, Hill JO, Lucas CP, O'Neal PM, Smith DK. Clinical trial design for obesity agents: A workshop report. Obes Res 6:311-315, 1998. (No known electronic link) 123. Anderson JW. Guidelines for approval of anti-obesity drugs affecting atherosclerosis and/or lipids. Am J Cardiol 81:29F-30F, 1998. Abstract available at SD124. Duckworth WC, Saudek CD, Giobbie-Hurder AG, Henderson WG, Henry RR, Kelley DE, Edelman SV, Zieve FJ, Adler RA, Anderson JW, Anderson RJ, Hamilton BP, Donner TW, Kirkman MS, Morgan NA. Implantable pumps and cardiovascular risk factors. Diabetes Care 21:1596-1602, 1998. (No known electronic link) 125. Anderson JW, Diwadkar VA, Bridges SR. Selective effects of different antioxidants on oxidation of lipoproteins from rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 218:376-381, 1998. EBM126. Thompson JS, Duckworth WC, Saudek CD, Giobbie-Hurder AG. Surgical experience with implantable insulin pumps. Am J of Surg 176:622-626, 1998. Abstract available at PubMed127. Anderson JW, Gilliland SE, Tijssens R, Elbers FJ. Effect of fermented milk (yogurt) containing lactobacillus acidophilus L1 on serum cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic humans: Report on a placebo-controlled study. J Am Coll Nutr 18:43-50, 1999. Available at JACN128. Chen LH, Osio J, Anderson JW. Blood antioxidant defense system and dietary survey of elderly diabetic men. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 28:65-83, 1999. Abstract available at SD129. Hill JO, Hauptman J, Allison M, Anderson JW, Fujioka K, O'Neal P, Perry A, Smith DK, Zavoral JH, Aronne LJ. Orlistat, a lipase inhibitor, for weight maintenance after conventional dieting: a 1-year study. Am J Clin Nutr 69:1108-1116, 1999. Available at AJCN130. Anderson JW, Hanna TJ. Impact of nondigestible carbohydrates on serum lipoproteins and risk for cardiovascular disease. J Nutr 129:1457S-1466S, 1999. Available at NUTR131. Rubins HB, Robins SJ, Collins D, Anderson JW, Elam MB, Faas FH, FyeCI, Linares E, Schaefer E, Schectman G, Wilt T, Wittes J. The VA HDL intervention trial: Gemfibrozil for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in men with low HDL-cholesterol. N Eng J Med 341:410-417, 1999. Available at NEJM132. Anderson JW, Smith BM, Washnock CS. Cardiovascular and renal benefits of dry bean and soy bean intake. Am J Clin Nutr 7:1-5, 1999. Available at AJCN133. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM, Remley DT. Breast feeding and cognitive development: A meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr 70:525-535, 1999. Available at AJCN134. Anderson JW, Allgood LD, Turner J, Daggy BP. Effects of psyllium on glucose and serum lipid responses in men with type II diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Am J Clin Nutr 70:466-473, 1999. Available at AJCN135. Anderson JW, Hanna TJ. Whole grains and protection against coronary heart disease: what are the active components and mechanisms? Am J Clin Nutr 70:307-308, 1999. Available at AJCN136. Gowri MS, Van der Westhuyzen DR, Bridges SR, Anderson JW. Decreased protection by HDL from poorly controlled Type 2 diabetic subjects against LDL oxidation may be due to its abnormal composition. Atheroscl Thromb 19:2226-2233, 1999. Available at ATVB137. Diwadkar VA, Anderson JW, Bridges SR, Gowri MS, Oelgten PR. Postprandial low-density lipoproteins in type 2 diabetes are oxidized more extensively than fasting diabetes and control samples. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 222:178-184, 1999. Available at PubMed138. Anderson JW, Gowri MS, Turner J, Nichols L, Diwadkar VA, Chow CK, Oeltgen PR. Antioxidant supplementation effects on low-density lipoprotein oxidation for individuals with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J Am Coll Nutr 18:451-461, 1999. Available at JACM139. Anderson JW, Vichitbandra S, Qian W, Kryscio RJ. Long-term weight maintenance after an intensivie weight-loss program. J Am Coll Nutr 18:620-627, 1999. Available at JACM140. Anderson JW, Allgood LD, Lawrence A, Altringer LA, Jerdack GR, Hengehold DA, Morel JG. Cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium intake adjunctive to diet therapy in men and women with hypercholesterolemia: meta-analysis of 8 controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr 71:472-479, 2000. Available at AJCN141. Anderson JW, Hanna TJ, Peng X, Kryscio RJ. Whole grain foods and heart disease risk. J Am Coll Nutr 19(Suppl 3):291S-299S, 2000. Available at JACN142. Anderson JW, Konz EC. Benefits and risks of anti-obesity agents. (Letter to Editor). Am J Clin Nutr 71:844-853, 2000. Available at AJCN143. Anderson JW, Davidson MH, Blonde L, Brown WV, Howard WJ, Ginsberg H, Allgood LD, Weingand KW. Long-term cholesterol-lowering effects of psyllium as an adjunct to diet therapy in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Am J Clin Nutr 71:1433-1438, 2000. Available at AJCN144. Anderson JW, Konz EC, Jenkins DJA. Health advantages and disadvantages of weight-reducing diets: A computer analysis and critical review. J Am Coll Nutr 19:578-590, 2000. Available at JACN145. Heshka S, Greenway F, Anderson JW, Atkinson RL, Hill JO, Phinney SD, Miller-Kovach K, Pi-Sunyer X. Self-help weight loss versus a structured commercial program after 26 weeks: a randomized controlled study. Am J Med 109:282-287, 2000. Available at NR146. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber prevents carbohydrate-induced hypertriglyceridemia. Curr Atheroscl Reports 2:536-541, 2000. Available at PubMed147. Daly A, Konz EK, Anderson JW, Soler NS. Successful long-term management of substantial weight loss: One program’s experience. (Letter) J Am Diet Assoc 100:1456, 2000. (No known electronic link) 148. Anderson JW, Konz EC, Frederich R, Wood CL. Long-term weight maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies. Am J Clin Nutr Available at AJCN149. Anderson JW, Greenway F, Fujioka K, Gadde KM, McKenny J, O’Neil P. Bupropion SR significantly enhances weight loss when used with a moderate-intensity lifestyle intervention: A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Submitted for publication. (No known electronic link) 149a. Anderson, JW, Konz, E. Obesity and disease management: Effects of weight loss on comorbid conditions; Obesity Research 9:S326-S334 (2001) OR149b. Anderson, JW, Greenway, F, Fujioka, K, Gadde, K, Mckenney, J, O’Neil, P. Bupropion SR Enhances Weight Loss: a 48-week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Obes Res 2002;10:633-641. OR150. Anderson, JW, Kendall, C, Marchie, A, Jenkins, A., Austin, L, Ludwig, D, Barnard, N. Type 2 diabetes and the vegetarian diet, Am J Clin Nutr, Sep 2003 Available at AJCN150a. Anderson, JW, Kendall, C., Jenkins, D. Importance of weight management in Type 2 Diabetes; review with meta-analysis of clinical studies, J Am Coll Nutr 2003 22 331-339 Available at JACM150b. Anderson, JW, Ribins, H., Fass, F, Schaefer, E, Elam, M, Collins, D. Insulin Resistance and Cardiovascular Event with Low HDL Cholesterol: The Veterans Affairs HDL Intervention Trial (VA_HIT). Available at DC151. Anderson, JW, Randles, K, Kendall, C, Jenkins, D. Carbohydrate and Fiber recommendations for individuals with diabetes: A quantitative assessment and meta-analysis of the evidence, J Am Coll Nutr 2004 235-17 Available at JACMBOOKS, CHAPTERS, CONFERENCE REPORTS, OTHER PUBLICATIONS 1. Anderson JW. Influence of experimental thyroiditis on thyroid function. MS Thesis, Mayo Graduate School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 1-61, 1965. (No known electronic link) 2. Anderson JW. Influence of high carbohydrate diets on glucose tolerance of normal and diabetic men. Proceedings of the International Sugar Research Symposium, Washington, DC, 44-52, 1974. (No known electronic link) 3. Anderson JW, Ward K. HCF diets: Guidelines for high carbohydrate, fiber diets. Diabetes Research Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-40, 1978. (No known electronic link) 4. Anderson JW. Reactive hypoglycemia. In: Conn HF, ed. Current therapy. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co., 421-423, 1979. (No known electronic link) 5. Anderson JW. High carbohydrate, high fiber diets for patients with diabetes. In: Camerini-Davolos RA, Hanover B, eds. Treatment of early diabetes. New York: Plenum Press, 263-273, 1979. (No known electronic link) 6. Anderson JW, Sieling B. HCF diets: A professional guide to high carbohydrate, high fiber diets. Diabetes Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-54, 1979. (No known electronic link) 7. Anderson JW, Ward K, Seiling B. HCF diets: A user's guide to high carbohydrate, high fiber diets. Diabetes Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-44, 1979. (No known electronic link) 8. Midgley W, Anderson JW. Fiber in your future? Diabetes Forecast 32:32FF, 1979. (No known electronic link) 9. Gould MR, Anderson JW, O'Mahony S. Biofunctional properties of oats. In: Inglett GE, Munch L, eds. Cereals for food and beverages. New York: Academic Press, 447-460, 1980. (No known electronic link) 10. Anderson JW. Newer approaches to diabetes diets, high-fiber diets. Med Times 108:41-44, 1980. (No known electronic link) 11. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and diabetes. In: Spiller GA, Spiller KR, eds. Medical aspects of dietary fiber. New York: 193-221, 1980. (No known electronic link) 12. Anderson JW, Chen W-JLI, Sieling B. Plant fiber in foods. HCF Diabetes Research Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-48, 1980. (No known electronic link) 13. Anderson JW, Sieling B, Chen W-JLI. User's guide to HCF diets. HCF Diabetes Research Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-48, 1980. (No known electronic link) 14. Anderson JW. The role of dietary carbohydrate and fiber in the control of diabetes. Adv Intern Med 26:67-95, 1981. (No known electronic link) 15. Anderson JW. Diabetes Mellitus. In: Trowell HC, Burkitt DP, eds. Western disease: Their emergence and prevention. London: Edward Arnold, 373-391, 1981. (No known electronic link) 16. Anderson JW. Fiber, carbohydrate and diabetes. Nutrition and the MD July, 1981. (No known electronic link) 17. Anderson JW, Sieling B, Chen W-JL. Professional guide to HCF diets. HCF Diabetes Research Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-79, 1981. (No known electronic link) 18. Anderson JW. Plant fiber treatment for metabolic diseases. In: Cohen MR, Foa PP, eds. Special topics in endocrinology and metabolism. New York: Alan R. Liss Inc., 2:1-42, 1981. (No known electronic link) 19. Anderson JW. Use of high fiber diets in the treatment of diabetes. In: Jansen GR, Brown G, eds. Proceedings from 1980 Lillian Smith Conference. Fort Collins, Colorado State University, 103-116, 1981. (No known electronic link) 20. Anderson JW. High fiber diets in diabetes. Continuing Education 14:22-27, 1981. (No known electronic link) 21. Anderson JW. Fiber, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. In: Garry PJ, ed. Human nutrition: Clinical and biochemical aspects. Washington: American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 132-147, 1981. (No known electronic link) 22. Anderson JW. Diabetes: A practical new guide to healthy living. London, United Kingdom, Martin Dunitz, Lt., 1981, 4th printing, 1982; New York, Arco, 1981, 2nd reprint, 1983; Toronto, Canada, Prentice Hall, 1981; Sydney, Australia, Methuen, 1982, 1st reprint, 1983; Auckland, New Zealand, Methuen, 1982; New York, Warner Books (paperback), 1983; Vienna, Austria, Verlag ORAC (Austrian translation), 1983; Jyvaskyla, Findland, Gummerus (Finnish translation), 1983; Athens, Greece, Psichogios, (Greek translation), 1983; Mexico City, Mexico, Fondo Educativo, (Spanish translation), 1983; Craighall, South Africa, Delta Books, 1983; Stockholm, Sweden, Askild and Varnehll, (Swedish translation), 1983; 23. Anderson JW. Plant fiber: Dietary effects on glucose and lipid metabolism. Proc Fourth International Conference on Human Functioning, Wichita, KS, 1981. (No known electronic link) 24. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and diabetes. In: Vahouny GV, Kirtchevsky D, eds. Dietary fiber in health and disease. New York: Plenum Press, 151-167, 1982. (No known electronic link) 25. Anderson JW. High-carbohydrate diet effects on glucose and triglyceride metabolism of normal and diabetic men. In: Reiser S, ed. Metabolic effects of utilizable dietary carbohydrates. New York: Marcel Dekker, 285-313, 1982. (No known electronic link) 26. Anderson JW, Chen W-JL. Legumes and their soluble fiber: Effect on cholesterol-rich lipoproteins. In: Furda I, ed. Unconventional sources of dietary fiber. New York: American Chemical Society, 49-59, 1983. (No known electronic link) 27. Anderson JW, Chen W-JL. Legumes and their soluble fiber: Effect on cholesterol-rich lipoproteins. Michigan Dry Bean Digest, 11:4-6;13, 1986. (No known electronic link) 28. Anderson JW. A diabetic in the family? Health. July:49-52, 1983. (No known electronic link) 29. Anderson JW. High fiber diets. Saturday Evening Post. Nov:54-56, 1983. (No known electronic link) 30. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and diabetes. In: Wallace G, Bell L, eds. Fibre in human and animal nutrition. Bulletin 20 Wellington, New Zealand: Royal Society of New Zealand, 183-187, 1983. (No known electronic link) 31. Anderson JW. Glycemic response to different carbohydrates: Consequences for management of diabetes. Clin Nutr 3:59-64, 1984. (No known electronic link) 32. Anderson JW. Dr. Anderson's HCF diet. London: Martin Dunitz, Ltd., 1-124, 1984. (No known electronic link) 33. Anderson JW. Fiber: Food for health. Diabetes '85. Summer:1-2, 1985. (No known electronic link) 34. Anderson JW. Feeling better with oats. Saturday Evening Post Sept: 54-55, 82, 1985. 35. Anderson JW, Sieling. Nutrition and diabetes. In: Weinenger J, Briggs G, eds. Nutrition update. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2:49-69, 1985. (No known electronic link) 36. Anderson JW. Hyperlipidemia and diabetes: Nutrition considerations. In: Peterson C, Jovanovic L, eds. Nutrition and diabetes. New York: Alan R. Liss Inc., 133-159, 1985. (No known electronic link) 37. Anderson JW. High-fiber diets for obese diabetic men on insulin therapy: short-term and long-term effects. In: Vahouny GV, ed. Dietary fiber and obesity. New York: Alan R. Liss Inc., 49-68, 1985. (No known electronic link) 38. Anderson JW. Fiber-rich foods can help control diabetes. Diabetes in the news Dec, 1985. (No known electronic link) 39. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and diabetes: An update. In: Jansen GR, ed. Proceedings 1985, Lillian F. Smith Conference, Ft. Collins, CO, Colorado State University, 1985. (No known electronic link) 40. Colwell JA, Bingham SF, Abraira C, Anderson JW, Kwaan HC. VA Cooperative study on antiplatelet agents in diabetic patients after amputation for gangrene: III. Definitions and review of design and baseline characteristics. In: Pfeiffer EF, Lipsett MB, eds. Macrovascular disease in diabetes mellitus. International Workshop, Garmisch-Grainau, 69-73, 1985. (No known electronic link) 41. Anderson JW, Chen W-JL. Cholesterol-lowering properties of oat products. In: Webster F, ed. Oats: Chemisty and technology. American Association of Cereal Chemists Inc., 309-333, 1986. (No known electronic link) 42. Tietyen J, Anderson JW. Adding fiber to your diet. Diabetes self-management, April:33-35, 1986. (No known electronic link) 43. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber in nutrition management of diabetes. In: Vahouny GV, Kritchevsky D, eds. Dietary fiber (basic and clinical aspects). New York: Plenum, 343-360, 1986. (No known electronic link) 44. Chen W-JI, Anderson JW. Hypocholesterolemic effects of soluble fibers. In: Vahouny GV, Kritcheysky D. Dietary Fiber (basic and clinical aspects). New York: Plenum, 275-286, 1986. (No known electronic link) 45. Anderson JW. Nutrition management of metabolic conditions. (Professional guide). HCF Diabetes Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-139, 1986. 46. Anderson JW. Plant fiber in food. HCF Diabetes Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-33, 1986. (No known electronic link) 47. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Intensive nutrition management of hypercholesterolemia. Practical Cardiology 12:59-69, 1986. (No known electronic link) 48. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. A guide to intensive nutrition management of obesity in diabetes mellitus. Internal Medicine for the Specialist 7:100-117, 1986. (No known electronic link) 49. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Type II diabetes: Current nutrition management concepts. Geriatrics 41:28-38, 1986. (No known electronic link) 50. Anderson JW, Tietyen-Clark J. Soluble dietary fiber: Metabolic an physiologic considerations. Contemporary Nutrition 11:1-2, 1986. (No known electronic link) 51. Anderson JW. Treatment of diabetes with high fiber diets. In: Spiller GA, ed. Handbook of dietary fiber in human nutrition. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Inc., 349-359, 1986. (No known electronic link) 52. Anderson JW. Dr. Anderson's life-saving diet. Los Angeles: The Body Press, 1-128, 1986. (No known electronic link) 53. Anderson JW. Carbohydrate metabolism. In: Advances in Clinical Nutrition. Bethesda, MD, General Clinical Research Center Branch, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, 64-72, 1986. (No known electronic link) 54. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and current health perspectives. In: Paul Bass, ed. The role of fiber in the American diet in health and in various pathologies. Proceedings of Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, 23-26, 1986. (No known electronic link) 55. Anderson JW. Use more fiber in your diet. Diabetes in the news 11:3, 1987. (No known electronic link) 56. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Diabetes Mellitus Type II; Nutrition can be your primary treatment. Consultant 27:40-44, 1987. (No known electronic link) 57. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Dietary fiber in disease prevention and treatment. Comprehensive Therapy 13:43-53, 1987. (No known electronic link) 58. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Sugar in high-fiber cereals: How much is too much? Diabetes Self-Management March/April:6-9, 1987. (No known electronic link) 59. Anderson JW. The HCF Guide Book. The HCF Diabetes Foundation, Lexington,KY, 1-63, 1987. (No known electronic link) 60. Anderson JW, Tietyen-Clark J. The promise of fiber. Diabetes Forecast April:47-50, 1987. (No known electronic link) 61. Anderson JW. HCF Exchanges (A sensible plan for healthy eating). HCF Diabetes Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1-19, 1987. (No known electronic link) 62. Runyan JW, Anderson JW, Bild D, Christlieb AR, Espenshade J, Gans JA, Horan M, Hostetter TH, Julius S, LaBarbera RJ, Levine D, Rifkin H, Silverman RE, Roccella E, Moriarty P. Hypertension in diabetes. National High Blood Pressure Education Program. US Dept HHS, Bethesda, MD, 1-28, 1987. (No known electronic link) 63. Anderson JW, Tietyen-Clark J. Nutrition management of hyperlipidemia in diabetes. Food and Nutrition News 59:1-8, 1987. (No known electronic link) 64. Anderson JW. Nutrition management of diabetes mellitus. In: Shils ME, Young VR, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1201-1229, 1988. (No known electronic link) 65. Anderson JW. Benefits of dietary fiber in diabetic individuals. In: Leff S, ed. Advances in Diet and Nutrition: 2. Proceedings from Second International Conference on Diet and Nutrition, Jerusalem, Israel, 7-11, 1988. (No known electronic link) 66. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Alternative lipid-lowering diets. Practical Cardiology 14:85-97, 1988. (No known electronic link) 67. Anderson JW. HCF Lifestyle Record Book for Food and Physical Activity. The HCF Nutrition Research Foundation, 1-64, 1988. (No known electronic link) 68. Anderson JW. HCF Fiber Facts. The HCF Nutrition Research Foundation, 1-12, 1988. (No known electronic link) 69. Anderson JW. A Diet that Can Save Your Life. The Saturday Evening Post Sept:90-91, 1988. (No known electronic link) 70. Anderson JW. Foreword. In: Earnest B, Schlesinger S, eds. The Low-Cholesterol Oat Plan. New York: Hearst Books, 7-11, 1988. (No known electronic link) 71. Anderson JW, Gustafson NJ. Dietary fiber and heart disease: Current management concepts and recommendations. Top Clin Nutr 3:21-29, 1988. (No known electronic link) 72. Anderson JW. Be Heart Smart. HCF Nutrition Research Foundation, 1-20, 1989. (No known electronic link) 73. Ridell-Lawrence SR, Anderson JW. Adding fiber to the American diet. Pharmacy Times Sept:31-34, 1989. (No known electronic link) 74. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and diabetes mellitus. Proceedings from the 14th International Congress of Nutrition, Vol I, Seoul, Korea, 206-209, 1989. 75. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and nutrition management of diabetes mellitus. Kellogg International Symposium on Dietary Fiber, Center for Academic Publications, Tokyo, Japan, 59-70, 1990. (No known electronic link) 76. Anderson JW. Sorting Out Fiber. The Saturday Evening Post March: 1990. Article available at SEP 77. Kritchevsky D, Bonfield C, Anderson JW. Dietary Fiber: Chemistry, Physiology, and Health Effects. New York: Plenum Press, 1990. (No known electronic link) 78. Anderson JW, Deakins DA, Bridges SR. Soluble fiber: Hypocholesterolemic effects and proposed mechanisms. In: Dietary Fiber: Chemistry, Physiology, and Health Effects. New York: Plenum Press, 339-363, 1990. (No known electronic link) 79. Anderson JW, Geil PB. Diabetes Diet: Past, Present and Future. Diabetes in the News June:11-14, 1990. (No known electronic link) 80. Anderson JW, Deakins DA, Floore TL, Smith BM, Whitis SE. Dietary fiber and coronary heart disease. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 29:95-147, 1990. (No known electronic link) 81. Anderson JW, Floore TL. Lipoproteins and diet in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In: Diana JA, ed. Tobacco, Smoking and Atherosclerosis: Pathogenesis and Cellular Mechanisms. New York: Plenum Press, 245-258, 1990. (No known electronic link) 82. Anderson JW. Plant Fiber in Foods. HCF Nutrition Research Foundation, Lexington, KY, 1990. (No known electronic link) 83. Anderson JW, Siesel AE. Hypocholesterolemic effects of oat products. In: Furda I, Brine CJ, eds. New Developments in Dietary Fiber, Physiological, Physiochemical, and Analytical Aspects. New York: Plenum Press, 17-36, 1990. (No known electronic link) 84. Anderson JW. Health benefits of soluble fibre. Kellogg Nutrition Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, 21-53, 1990. (No known electronic link) 85. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and human health. Hortic Science 25:1480-1495, 1990. (No known electronic link) 86. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and coronary heart disease. In: Russell RM, Stone NJ, eds. The Role of Psyllium in a Healthy Diet. Little Falls, NJ: Health Learning Systems, Inc. Colloquium Proceedings, 11-15, 1990. (No known electronic link) 87. Zeigler JA, Smith BM, Anderson JW. Glycemic control and serum lipids: Practical nutrition implications for diabetes management. Practical Diabetology, May/June:10-14, 1991. (No known electronic link) 88. Anderson JW, Riddell-Lawrence S. Refined bakery products lower blood cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic men. American Institute of Baking Technical Bulletin Dec, 1991. Available at AIB89. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber: Recommendations for the 1990s. Nestle Worldview; Nestle Information Service 3:1-8, 1991. (No known electronic link) 90. Anderson JW, Akanji AO. Dietary fiber - an overview. Diabetes Care 14:1126-1131, 1991. Abstract available at DC91. Anderson JW. Food labeling: What do we do now? Medicine Exercise Nutrition and Health 1:63, 1992. (No known electronic link) 92. Hamilton CC, Anderson JW. Fiber and weight management. J Florida MA 79:379-381, 1992. (No known electronic link) 93. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and diabetes: What else do we need to know? Editoral. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 17:71-73, 1992. (No known electronic link) 94. Anderson JW, Akanji AO. Treatment of diabetes with high fiber diets. In: Spiller GA, ed. CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition. Boca Ration, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 443-470, 1993. (No known electronic link) 95. Anderson JW, Bridges SR. Hypocholesterolemic effects of oat bran in humans. In: Wood P, ed. Oat Bran. St. Paul: American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc., 139-157, 1993. (No known electronic link) 96. Anderson JW. Why do diabetic individuals eat so much protein and fat? Editorial. Med Exerc Nutr Health 2:65-68, 1993. (No known electronic link) 97. Anderson JW. Eat more carbohydrate and fiber - for the health of it. International Newsletter on Carbohydrates, Fiber and Health 1:49-72, 1993. (No known electronic link) 98. Anderson JW, Geil PB. Nutrition management of diabetes mellitus. In: Shils ME, ed. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 8th edition. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1259-1286, 1994. (No known electronic link) 99. Anderson JW. Summary and first commentary on article by Bonanome A, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 54:586-590, 1991. Diabetes Spectrum 6:304, 1993. (No known electronic link) 100. Anderson JW, deAngulo MO. Diabetes mellitus in adults. In: Rakel RE, ed. Conn's Current Therapy. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co., 519-527, 1994. (No known electronic link) 101. Anderson JW, Akanji AO. Reversibility of obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease. In: Temple NJ, Burkitt DP, eds. Western diseases: Their dietary prevention and reversibility. Totowa, NJ: The Humana Press, Inc., 317-348, 1994. (No known electronic link) 102. Anderson JW. Dr. Anderson's high fiber prevention plan. Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky Press, 250, 1994. (No known electronic link) 103. Anderson JW. New developments in dietary fiber: Cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Proceedings from IV International Symposium on Dietary Fiber, Mexico City, 51-69, 1994. (No known electronic link) 104. Anderson JW. Cholesterol-lowering effects of soluble fiber in humans. In: Kritchevsky D, Bonfield C, eds. Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease. St Paul: Eagan Press, 126-136, 1995. 105. Anderson JW. Short chain fatty acids and lipid metabolism: Human studies: In: Cummings JH, Rombeau JL, Sakata T, eds. Physiological and Clinical Aspects of Short Chain Fatty Acid. New York: Cambridge University Press, 509-523, 1995. (No known electronic link) 106. Anderson JW. Dietary fiber and cardiovascular disease in the elderly. Cardiology in the elderly 3:16-20, 1995. (No known electronic link) 107. Anderson JW. Book Review: Werback M, Nutritional Influences on Illness: A Sourcebook of Clinical Research, 2nd edition. J Nutr Ed, 1995. (No known electronic link) 108. Anderson JW, Denke MD, Foreyt JP, Smith BM. Cutting dietary fats: Advice that really works. Patient Care Jan:16-31, 1995. (No known electronic link) 109. Anderson JW, Smith BM. Fantastic fiber. Women's health digest 1: 24-27, 1995. (No known electronic link) 110. Anderson JW, Johnstone BM, Cook-Newell ME. Response to correspondence by Krauss, Chait and Stone. N Eng J Med 333:1715-1716, 1995. (No known electronic link) 111. Smith BM, Anderson JW. The role of fiber in the diabetic diet. Postgraduate Healthcare, Greenwich, CT: MRA Publications, Inc., 7-11, 1995. (No known electronic link) 112. Anderson JW. Dietary fibre, complex carbohydrate and coronary artery disease. Can J Cardiol 11(SupplG) 55-61, 1995. (No known electronic link) 113. Anderson JW. Phytoestrogen effects in humans relative to risk for cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and menopausal symptoms. In: Pavlik EJ, ed. Estrogens, Progestins, and their Antagonists. Boston: Birkhauser, 51-71, 1996. (No known electronic link) 114. Anderson JW, Breecher MM. Dr. Anderson's antioxidant, antiaging health program. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1-270, 1996. (No known electronic link) 115. Geil PB, Anderson JW. Dry beans: Nutrition and health implications. Michigan Dry Bean Digest 21:2-6, 1997. (No known electronic link) 116. Anderson JW. Introduction, The Soy Gourmet, Robertson, Robin, viiii-xv, 1998. (No known electronic link) 117. Green CS, Hanna TJ, Anderson JW. Benefits of soy protein in diabetes: Role in preventing and treating kidney disease. Its Role in Health and Wellness. Ohio Soybean Council, P.O.1998. Available at SOC118. Anderson JW, Smith BM, Thompson PK. Soy protein and risk for coronary heart disease. Role in preventing and treating kidney disease. Its Role in Health and Wellness. Ohio Soybean Council, P.O. Box 479, Columbus, Ohio 43216-0479, 1998. Available at SF119. Anderson JW. Nutritional management of diabetes mellitus. In: Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M, Ross AC, Young VA, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1365-1395, 1999. (No known electronic link) 120. Anderson JW, Konz EC. Orlistat: A new generation of drugs for the treatment of obesity. Today's Therapeutic Trends, 17:243-255, 1999. (No known electronic link) 121. Anderson JW. Fiber therapy in IBS and other GI disorders. Participate, The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, 8:2-4, 1999. (No known electronic link) 122. Anderson JW. The effects of soy protein on renal health. The Soy Connection, 7:3-6, 1999. Available at TSC123. Anderson JW, Smith BM, Moore KA, Hanna TJ. Soy foods and health promotion. In: Watson, T. Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs in Health Promotion. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 9:117-134, 2000. (No known electronic link) 124. Anderson JW, Hanna TJ. Soy protein and diabetic nephropathy. Seoul, Korea: Soybean and Human Health, S-8:113-128, Nov 2000. (No known electronic link) 125. Starr C, Allison DB, Anderson JW, Aronnie LJ, Campfield LA, Vash PD. Taking advantage of antiobesity medications. Patient Care 11:34-62, 2000. (No known electronic link) 126. Saunders CS, Anderson JW, Quella SK, Yetley EA. Sorting out health claims about soy. Patient Care 12:14-28, 2000. (No known electronic link) 127. Anderson JW, Randles KM. Treatment of diabetes with high-fiber diets. In: Spiller GA, ed. CRC handbook of dietary fiber in human nutrition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 373-400, 2001. (No known electronic link) 128. Anderson JW. The health benefits of soluble fiber: Emphasis on reducing the risk of heart disease. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky CME, 1-33, 2001. (No known electronic link) 129. Anderson JW. Soy protein decreases risk for coronary heart disease. European General Practitioners. Monograph In press. (No known electronic link)
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